The COOLEST Games Ever Made

HoMePaGe | GiFfNoCk TrOoPs | ShOuT oOtS | PhOtOs Of PeEpS i No | MeRrYlEe MaDrId | NeWs | SoUnD sItEs | MoRe PhOtOs

GoRdAn PhIlLiPs,DaViD wAlLaCe,DoUgLaS rAtHeY oN pOdIuM aT tHe WeSt DiStRiCtS SkOoL sPoRtS dAy
Aw WhIt A lAuGh I hEaVy DuTy WaLkEd It,WoN eVeRyThIn ExCePt ThE tHrOwIn LoLoLoLoL sUm BuZz
GlEsGa SkOoLs WiZ tHe NeXt DaY,aW nAw WoRsE rAcE eVeR 2.14 Am AsHaMeD.
WeLl DuN tAe WeE aNdY rOdGeRs WhO gOt SiLvEr In ThE 1500m,HeLeN sWeEnEy WhO gOt GoLd In ThE lAsSiEs EvEnT,n Ma MaIn MuKkA dIv WiLlIaMsOn WhO gOt A PB iN tHe 100m OfF 12.4.Gd LuCk TaE aLl HiLlPaRk PuPiLs WhO wIlL rEpReSeNt Us At ThE gLeSgA's N sUm At ThE sCoTtIsH sKoOlS

WeSt DiStRiCtS 2oo3
Aw ThT wIz SuM bUzZ,pIcKeD uP a SiLvEr In ThE sTeEpLeChAsE bEhInD bIg ClArK gIfFnOcK 1-2:-D
I AlSo PiCkEd Up A bRoNzE aT tHe 800 YaSsSsS!bEhInD sHeTtLeStOn 1-2 oF dAvId WaLlAcE n GoRdAn PhIlLiPs,WeLl DuN bOyZiEs BuT iLl BeAt YeZ nExT tIme;-)
BiG uP tAe Aw ThE gIfFnOcK mAdDiEs WhO cOmPlEtEd AnD wOn MeDaLs

Project BOB is a great example of an adventure game which uses puzzle building skills. Screen Shot: Project BOB

Someday this space will contain more information about gaming, such as gaming codes, hints and tricks, and links to other gaming sites.

Screen Shot: Project BOB Project BOB is fun to play.