The COOLEST Games Ever Made

HoMePaGe | GiFfNoCk TrOoPs | ShOuT oOtS | PhOtOs Of PeEpS i No | MeRrYlEe MaDrId | NeWs | SoUnD sItEs | MoRe PhOtOs

wEe CrAiG BiLLy CoLeMaN & ToNy McAdAm
Ma WeE bRo He'S sUm KeEpEr

HaViN a Gd TiMe:-P

WuLLy MaCfArLaNe & SiMoN bRoGaN
L-R ChRiS,IaN,ChEeSy,gOrDo

Screen Shot: Project BOB
My first try at Hyper Lander.. ..learning to fly took some time. This is the water board from Project BOB.

Screen Shot: Project BOB

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic dirty rat... This is the rescue vehicle that you fly during the game.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is the opening screen, you start at a base deep in a cavern where you are part of a science and research group.The game starts with a massive quake which begins the whole mystery surrounding why things are happening in orbit around Saturn. This is the opening screen in Project BOB.

Screen Shot: Project BOB

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
This is the wooden room, I call it that because the floor looks like suspended logs. This is one of my favorite boards, it just looks cool.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is one of the screens that you must use game codes to reach. This is the lava screen from Project BOB, it's very hot.

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